Wednesday, November 4, 2015

I'm not a gamer. I'm a player.

OK I think need to start trying to blogging more. Where I can rant and rave at my own pace and under my rules meaning foul language and harsh and brutal generalizations. So consider yourself warned. I hate Gamergate. These fucking assholes are worse than ISIS. They claim they want "objective gaming journalism" and "less social justice warriors ruining their fucking stupid right-wing neo-con war propaganda games like Call of Duty and want RPGs be less inclusive with LGBT characters and love interests and same sex marriage, and don't want better treatment of women players, characters, devs, and so on. Basically they want to shut up people who have legit criticisms and act like whiny little bitches who will piss and moan that the mean old feminists want to take away their video games. Which is a huge load of bullshit. These clowns have ruined great video game websites and driven any talk about inclusion of minority characters not acting stereotypes or to be more respectful to those marginalized by society to private messages or groups. They also don't games to be about real world issues because it might cause these cretins to actually think about other people that aren't middle age straight white guys (of which I am one for the record) to think about how we treat others instead of blasting away a Russian or a brown skin terrorist, while yelling every insulting slur into their headsets while threatening to rape every woman in your family. And if you beat some asshole s/he might call your local SWAT team and try to have you killed. Now while all shit happened long before Gamergate it had been boiling for years. Gamergate just gave it a name, an unoriginal name by a right-wing actor Adam Baldwin. To say I no longer like Adam Baldwin is understatement. You're piece of shit in my book and if Joss Whedon ever does a sequel to Serenity I will only see it if Baldwin's character gets a nasty death scene or he's not in it. Gamergate is about bigotry against women, people of color, progressives, and people who just want to have fun with games. They are pop culture terrorists. Now it's being used by conservative male supremacists as a recruiting tool to brainwash a bunch of morons into serving advance their evil agenda. So I now call myself a player, because why would any compassionate rational human being want to be in that club. So in short: FUCK ADAM BALDWIN! FUCK GAMERGATE AND IT'S HATE CAMPAIGN.

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