Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Now for something a movie review on House of the Long Shadows

Early this year horror film and heavy metal icon Sir Christopher Lee died. He was a true horror film legend who starred in over 200 films. But he made one film with fellow horror film icons Peter Cushing, Vincent Price, and John Carradine in the 1984 film House of the Long Shadows along Desi Arnaz Jr, Sheila Keith, Julia Peasgood, and Richard Tod and it's directed by Pete Walker. It is the fist and sadly only time that all 4 icons stared in a film together and share screen time with each other. While Lee and Cushing made over 20 films together Price and Lee made 1 film The Oblong Box where the 2 stars only share about 20 seconds together where Lee dies. While Price and Cushing made 1 film together Madhouse in which they shared a decent amount of screen time. The 3 of them were in Scream and Scream Again but didn't share any screen time together. The plot: Arnaz plays a cynical 1984 American writer who has came to the UK to promote his new book, while having lunch with his friend and editor Richard Tod, the two start talking about the difference between the classics of literature and wonders why modern writers can't turn out stories like Withering Heights. Arnaz boasts that he could do that kind of story in 24 hours and bets $20,000 that he can and states all he needs is atmosphere. Tod has friend with an old manor house in Wales that hasn't been lived in over 40 years and has no electricity. Arnaz thinks that this is great since he can write by candlelight and Tod writes the place name because it's in Wales Baleplate Manor. Arnaz dives to the manor and of course a massive rainstorm hits and he stops a train station where he meets a young couple on holiday and old lady who enters the restroom and they hear a crash when they investigate they find a window broken and no sign of her. Then the station master appears and Arnaz asks how to find the manor the station master warns him that it's cursed but finally gives in and tells him where to find the manor. Arnaz finally finds the manor and finds a bedroom that has fresh water in a vase and the bed is made. As he starts to write he a noise and finds John Carradine and Sheila Keith a father and daughter pair of housekeepers. Then Julia Peasgood, Peter Cushing, Vincent Price, and Christopher Lee arrive and we learn that they are all The Grisbane family that lived in the manor and that 40 years ago the youngest son Roderick committed a terrible crime and the family sealed him in his room and that 40 years later they would release him. Unfortunately Roderick isn't in a forgiving mood and is out for revenge and starts killing off his family, and anyone else in his way and that includes the young couple from the train station who have came to the manor in hopes of finding shelter from the storm. The story concludes with Christopher Lee revealing to Vincent Price that he is Roderick and that Price set him up and he kills Price and then goes after Arnaz with an ax and Arnaz kicks him down a flight of stairs and Lee lands on the ax. Then after Lee dies the other dead cast members come back and it's revealed that it's been a trick set up by Tod. Then in a second twist it's revealed that it's actually all been the story that Arnaz has been writing and he gets back and wins the bet but has learned that characters and emotions are better than his cynical. As he leaves the restaurant and bumps into Peasgood and learns that she's actually works for Tod and he asks her if she believes in love at first sight and she says yes, then he sees Vincent Price as a waiter and the two walk out. Thoughts: The 4 masters of horror is enough to get me to buy this film but so long it was only available on MGM Mod DVDs with an awful print that you can hardly see thankfully Kino-Lorber has put out a beautiful HD remaster blu-ray edition that has a video interview with director Pete Walker, along with a commentary track with Walker and second commentary track with film historian. Trailers for House of the Long Shadows, The Oblong Box, and Madhouse. The film isn't for everyone it's a slow burn and doesn't feature a lot of gross-out horror. It's a fitting swan song to the British Gothic era of horror films. I do recommend the film. It's a lot of fun to see Cushing, Price, Lee, and Carradine have a final bow.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

In defense of Bob Chipman aka moviebob

Bob Chipman is right now my favorite movie critic and pop culture pundit. For those of you who don't know who he is Bob is movie critic, video game commentator, and pop culture pundit. His current shows MovieBob Reviews and Really That Good are on his own youtube channel, along with his short-lived political show American Bob and the original 100+ episodes of The Game Overthinker. His 8 year stint with the Escapist produced two really great shows Escape to the Movies and The Big Picture available at the Escapist Movie youtube channel. His current work for includes The All-New Game Overthinker and In Bob We Trust. While I don't always agree with him (for instance the recent James Bond film Spectre I liked it and he didn't) but more often I do find myself agreeing more often than I don't, and even I don't agree with him I understand his point of view. I will say that on twitter Bob is very outspoken and that probably got him fired from the Escapist along with their pro-GamerGate stance that has pretty much ruined that site. And yeah he was pretty nasty with lot of those shit garling fuckwits (yeah I stole that from his Pixels review/rant) but so was I and a lot of others. In my honest opinion Bob has became an even greater film critic who is brutally honest with reviews now free of the Escapist his epic review/rant on Pixels has gotten over 2 million views on youtube. His new show In Bob We Trust which is spiritual successor to The Big Picture has gotten better. But yet Chipman is constantly pounded by other youtubers who don't agree with his reviews and political views and getting kind of annoying to be wanting to watch one his shows and keep getting shows that are so called "take downs" of his shows, like I care what some pop culture terrorist says or some moron who thinks his review on this movie was too harsh. The only thing I can say to them is: GET A LIFE. Chipman doesn't owe you a fucking debate, or response to your vids. I've never gotten a tweet back from him or a comment from him and I don't expect to anymore than I expect President Obama to call me. He's got a life why don't you shitheads get one of your own?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

I'm not a gamer. I'm a player.

OK I think need to start trying to blogging more. Where I can rant and rave at my own pace and under my rules meaning foul language and harsh and brutal generalizations. So consider yourself warned. I hate Gamergate. These fucking assholes are worse than ISIS. They claim they want "objective gaming journalism" and "less social justice warriors ruining their fucking stupid right-wing neo-con war propaganda games like Call of Duty and want RPGs be less inclusive with LGBT characters and love interests and same sex marriage, and don't want better treatment of women players, characters, devs, and so on. Basically they want to shut up people who have legit criticisms and act like whiny little bitches who will piss and moan that the mean old feminists want to take away their video games. Which is a huge load of bullshit. These clowns have ruined great video game websites and driven any talk about inclusion of minority characters not acting stereotypes or to be more respectful to those marginalized by society to private messages or groups. They also don't games to be about real world issues because it might cause these cretins to actually think about other people that aren't middle age straight white guys (of which I am one for the record) to think about how we treat others instead of blasting away a Russian or a brown skin terrorist, while yelling every insulting slur into their headsets while threatening to rape every woman in your family. And if you beat some asshole s/he might call your local SWAT team and try to have you killed. Now while all shit happened long before Gamergate it had been boiling for years. Gamergate just gave it a name, an unoriginal name by a right-wing actor Adam Baldwin. To say I no longer like Adam Baldwin is understatement. You're piece of shit in my book and if Joss Whedon ever does a sequel to Serenity I will only see it if Baldwin's character gets a nasty death scene or he's not in it. Gamergate is about bigotry against women, people of color, progressives, and people who just want to have fun with games. They are pop culture terrorists. Now it's being used by conservative male supremacists as a recruiting tool to brainwash a bunch of morons into serving advance their evil agenda. So I now call myself a player, because why would any compassionate rational human being want to be in that club. So in short: FUCK ADAM BALDWIN! FUCK GAMERGATE AND IT'S HATE CAMPAIGN.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2014 was a crazy year for me.

I haven't posted on this blog as much as I thought I would do to many reasons. But last year (2014) was a crazy year for me. The apartment I was living at decided not to renew my lease, and I was forced to move. I got a bigger and better apartment (and I've renewed already renewed the lease for it). Do to the move I was out of money and forced to sell most of my video game collection. My Dad's girlfriend who still lives at the old apartment got a restraining order forbidding him to help her. My cat Terri died. I got a new cat Leliana Isabela. I had to suspend my e-fed. So yeah 2014 was a crazy year of change.