Monday, October 10, 2011

How comic books helped to save my life

20 years ago on October 10, 1991 my mother died due to accidental prescription drug overdose. My world was forever changed on that day, Now I was never popular in middle school and in high school I was hated and shunned, The few "friends" that I did have were more less there because we shared similar interests but by the time I got to high school my mood I hated the world. I had no friends, no girlfriend, no future, and hoped every night that I would die in my sleep. A girl I knew was talking and I said something about how I was thinking about killing myself and Julie Harris, this girl who I had known, who had her own demons and attempted sucide told me to count my blessings. Not having anything better to do in class I did just that. I had my wonderful and great dad (if I'm one-trillionth the man he is I would be content) my cat Butterscotch and my comics. Now back in the 90s I was reading every comic that I could get my hands on (most of them were crap when I look at them now) and as strange (or stupid) as it sounds I wanted too see what happened to the Hulk, The Transformers: Generation 2, Solar, Spider-Man, Supergirl, Breed, Dreadstar, the Wild C.A.Ts. and whatever other book I was reading back then. Granted it wasn't much but it was something to keep going, and finally a girl who I never knew her name gave me the final piece out of my hatred of the world when she told me the world is what you make of it, I don't know who she was, but all I can say is: THANK YOU Julie and the girl whose name I don't know you two along with comics helped saved me. You two are angels.

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